International Women’s Day is upon us, and Charisma Campaign presents it’s second International Women’s Day Empowerment Celebration. Why empowerment celebration? Because Charisma Campaign initiatives have always served to “change culture” empowering those in the community and advocating for some important issues around the world. Our celebration will embody our values and seek to bring together everyone from different corners of society.

For the longest time I’ve grown so tired of going to all black events. Any time that I did make an attempt to broaden my horizon and attend events outside of my circle I would find myself being the only black person at events with all white panellists who I struggled to relate with.

This event has been designed to bridge the gap and get together women from diverse backgrounds marking a very important day of women. It’s not going to be all women because men out there also need to be part of the conversation. You don’t have to be a business woman or work in a particular sector. If you don’t have enough money to get a ticket the event it is still open to you.
While, I understand and appreciate the role of niche events in serving and bringing people with similar interests together. I still believe that on this occasion as my TEDX talk 2017 mentioned it is important to create a change in society by engaging with people outside your everyday network and spaces. In order to help to learn about the different challenges that exist in communities outside your own , helping to resolve and address some of these issues.
As a workshop facilitator I will be delivering a number of talks and workshops across different platforms in the month of March. But I have also put on this celeberation to provide a unique celebration and experience of International Womens Day! Join us in celebrating and empowering our community Tickets